Graphic Design
The Graphics design and creation we do for our clients takes many different forms
“Effective visualisation can be the key to shared understanding”
Artist impression of proposed gallery retail premises
website visualisations
A core element of what we do, in terms of designing and developing websites, is often to create visualisations of how we propose the site will look.
We find it is surprisingly rare that web companies can offer both design and development, but it helps enormously in managing the project, as we already have an idea of what can be done in practical terms when we set out on the design process.

customised icons
We have a range of the popular social media icons we’ve drawn ourselves as master vector files, so we can customise them in terms of size and colour for display on screen or print.
We can also create a range of other icons to help reinforce your message and enhance the design of your site.

graphic representations
Photography can be expensive, and sometimes difficult to co-ordinate in terms of context and background.
In instances like these, graphic representations of products can provide an effective and flexible alternative.

building visualisations
Big Media was engaged to do a building visualisation – effectively a brief on an artistic impression on the changes the client was proposing for a new office – warehouse renovation. This was used in consultation with the estate landlords to secure the existing building by demonstating the added value their ownership would give to the building itself and the estate.

training images
Our training solution – easy2training – has a growing library of in-house graphics to assist in making a greater impact and delivering a clearer message.
These images are available to our clients as the copyright is with Big Media. Also further custom illustrations can be created for specific requirements.

cross-platform animations
Using the animated GIF file format in innovative ways has provided a number of opportunities to add attractive imagery and message reinforcement in a comparatively small file format.
Effective on mobiles, tablets and PCs, animations help where static images are not sufficient, and videos too large in file size and too costly to produce. Animated gif files can be produced from both drawn images and photos, but there is a limitation on the number of colours that you can have, so care must be taken to achieve the desired effect.

This Wizard caricature was initially created by the Big Media House graphics team as a friendly guide for a self-build website project.
An example of the Wizard in action can be seen on the Google Maps image, indicating to the site owner where their custom map would appear.

creative artwork
This is where the creative drawing process is given more freedom.
Illustrations can be in a wide range of styles, from abstract to modern and all stops between. The example here is a site entry graphic for a new marketplace portal as part of our work with the Spinal Injuries Centre (NSIC) at Stoke Mandeville.
Please contact us for more information.